Monday, 26 March 2018

MPs Need to Change Party Allegiance More

It is now four years this year since Tory MP Douglas Carswell switched to UKIP and won the subsequent by-election which he chose to trigger.  This was then followed by fellow Tory MP Mark Reckless making the same move. 

This, of course, is not the only time at all that this has happened.  'Crossing the floor' from one party to another is of course what Sir Winston Churchill did in 1904, albeit without choosing to trigger a by-election.  However, ever since Carswell and Reckless made that move, I has occurred to me that such changes of allegiances are quite uncommon.  And that is not a good thing. 

Changing allegiances to stick to your principles shows that you have, well, principles, and that these principles are more important to you than mere party allegiance.  Thus, if it were to happen more often in British Politics, it would greatly reassure the public that individual principles did matter in politics. 

It would also give that public more opportunities to express their opinion at the ballot box - by-elections are awesome for precisely that reason. 

It would also facilitate the creation of new political parties.  If you were to create a new political party tomorrow, a killer factor in it's success would be if it gains the support of at least one MP who's already in Parliament - if not, then your party will either take 'forever' to get anywhere, or not take off at all.

It's for that reason that the SDP in the 1980s immediately became a 'major' party in British elections, whereas other new parties, such as the Greens or Plaid Cymru took decades from their original founding to even enter Parliament with a single MP.  Having existing politicians join up, is, quite frankly, the best way for a new party to even be heard about. 

And of course, all this would help keep party leaders in line too - them knowing that they don't have the unconditional loyalty of all their MPs. 

And of course, having MPs change allegiance more often would make British Politics way more exciting. 

So I appeal to British MPs, and in fact, the US Congressmen too, to not hesitate to change political party when they feel that isn't working with their current bosses. 

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

No, it is not the Welsh Language that's holding Wales back.

It seems that it is quite fashionable in some corners to argue that the Welsh Language is holding Wales back.  Go to any article on Wales’s Pisa Rankings, for example, and you will see hordes of Jacques Protiques lookalikes saying that it’s all the Welsh Language’s fault. 

I was once in a car journey with someone when they argued that the Welsh Language was discouraging businesses from investing in Wales, and last month, the Tory MEP Daniel Hannan argued that it was good that the Irish Language Revival had been a failure:

“Éamon de Valera, the father of Irish independence, had three ambitions for his new state: it should be Catholic, economically self-sufficient and Irish-speaking. Happily, he had little success with the second or third, and Ireland has flourished in the internet age as an Anglophone market economy.”

Now, sure, if you only compared Wales to other parts of the United Kingdom, nearly everywhere else being monolingually English-speaking, you might think that the Welsh Language was to blame for Wales’s poor economy and low PISA rankings. 

But compare Wales to the rest of the world, and you will see that that's nonsense. 

The richest country in the world by GDP per Capita, in 2017, was Luxembourg.  Luxembourg has three official languages, French, German and Luxembourgish, with, a fourth language, English also widely spoken. 

After Luxembourg, number two for GDP per Capita is Switzerland with its four official languages. Of the top ten countries by GDP Per Capita, four have at least two official languages, and many of the remainder, such as Denmark, have widespread multilingualism.   Within Spain, the richest region is the Basque country, which counts both Basque and Castillian Spanish as its official languages.

So to the lady who made that comment in that car journey, I say this.  Are businesses shying away from Switzerland and Luxembourg because of their multiple official languages? Quite the opposite – those are countries that companies chose to move to.

Moving on to education, the picture is the same.  According to the 2015 PISA rankings, the top five countries and dependencies for reading ability were Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada, Finland and Ireland.  What do they all have in common? They each have more than two official languages.

So when people say that the Welsh Language is to blame for Wales’s poor education system and depressed economy, now you know whether or not to take them seriously

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

William Hague: The ‘Moderate Left’ is Dying in Europe - My Own Thoughts

Yesterday, the Telegraph published a very insightful article by William Hague (British Conservative Politician) about the recent ‘death’ of the ‘Moderate Left’ in Europe.  (Click here for it) In it he observed that:
·       As of this week, parties on the ‘moderate left’ neither head the governments nor lead the opposition in either the UK, Germany, Italy or France – something that has not happened in peacetime for 100 years.
·       In Italy, in two and a half years, the Italian Democratic Party has gone from being the party of government to a party with perhaps less than 20% of the vote while in France, the moderate Socialist Party in 2017 went from holding the Presidency to winning less than 7% of the vote in the Presidential Election that year.
·       In the Netherlands, the Dutch Labour Party lost 80% of their parliamentary seats in their parliamentary election, and in Spain, support for their centre-left party had fallen by half in the last 10 years.  In Germany, the opposition is now the hard-right AFD. 
·       In Britain, our opposition Labour Party was no longer a ‘moderate left’ party as it was being led by ‘Corbyn extremists’ and that the moderates within the party would have no easy task winning over the party again 

Hague thus argues that this constitutes the ‘death of the moderate left in Europe’ and that the radicals on both the left and right are the beneficiaries of all this, which of course they are. 

But perhaps most interestingly of all, is how he views and explains this development.  His argument is that the leading cause was that its leaders became too far detached from their core support, particularly on issues such as immigration, support for closer political union and their response to the Recession, which he argues differed little from the Centre-Right.

He also points to other, more long-term changes, such as the decline of trade-unions, of ‘class-based loyalty’, the welfare state getting to big, along with the end of the Cold War giving the hard left more respectability.

But most interesting of all, perhaps, is that, even as a conservative, he views this all as very bad news - with likely outcomes either being that centre-right parties stagnate in never-ending power, or that nationalist and populist parties will come to power and introduce abrupt changes to national policy.
He thus argues that it is up to the moderate left to get back in tune with the people, by, for example, rejecting uncontrolled immigration, arguing that otherwise, either Centre-right parties and ‘Macron look-alikes’ will get there first, or populists and nationalists will continue to ‘march all over them.’

My own thoughts

Certainly, there is no doubt that politically, we are living in ‘interesting times’, what with Brexit and Trump and the rise of nationalism across the west.  And certainly, the current collapse of traditional Centre-left parties in Europe has been quite spectacular. 

But is it without precedent? On this scale, quite possibly, but at all in history? No.  In the past 100 years, there have been many examples of centre-left politics being pushed out of the picture. 
The history of the Weimar Republic was essentially that of the ‘Weimar Coalition’ of the three Centre-Left parties losing ground to the extremes.  Another example, although no comparison of course, is that of the collapse of the Labour Party in Scotland over the past decade. 

In Poland, the centre-left party whose predecessor held the Presidency in the 1990s, now has no seats in the Sejm, while in Ireland, both major parties are vaguely right-of-centre, with the Irish Labour Party having only once been the second largest party in the Dail.

But even in countries with strong centre-left traditions like the UK or Germany, you will notice that the centre-left is much more often in opposition than in power.  Just count the number of Conservative PMs against Labour PMs in twentieth century Britain and you will see what I mean.  The same is true for Post-WW2 Germany. 

So there certainly have always been some long-term weaknesses, but one weakness that I feel has grown over time is this:

Populists vs Technocrats and the Centre-Left
On his website, The State of Wales, Welsh political analyst, Owen Donovan, has argued that political parties and movements can be largely grouped into two characteristics: Populist and Technocratic.
If you’re a populist, you appeal more to the raw emotions of the people, whereas if you are a technocrat, you are more intellectually inclined.

My theory is this - that originally, it was the traditional centre-left parties that were firmly on the populist side, being working-class parties and all, and with the centre-right parties being of the elite, but that over time, the tables have turned, and the centre-left has become increasingly ‘intellectual’ seeming and technocratic.

Now, in some ways, the right has always had the populist advantage – particularly when it comes to nationalism, for example, – it has, by definition, been more jingoistic than the left, and thus has appealed to popular passion in that particular area. 

However, over time, the traditional left-wing parties have lost their populist/emotional advantage in other areas, such as in class-based politics and themselves become seen as ‘out-of-touch intellectual middle class’ while their traditional weaknesses, such as seeming economically illiterate, or worse, unpatriotic, have not gone away, or in fact been exacerbated.

Whether the European centre-left will recover, and what the consequences will be if they don’t, however remain to be seen, and I certainly won’t try to speculate now.